My brief hiatus has been due to not having much to report!!! Which has been great! I've been busy living life to the fullest! Enjoying making memories with friends and family. Still dancing around in heels. I've made major changes to lessen some stress that was beginning to get to me and affect me both emotionally and physically. Remember that a build up of stress or even a sudden arise of it can really bring you down, your body feeling it as much as your mind might. So I changed jobs, living quarters, and even took some time away from a bit of family and friendly drama. I've done some performances of poetry. Investing time in many projects I enjoy. Even keeping to some quiet time with my faithful dog Bella.
Stray Away News & Update:
Recently, I've been so caught up in feeling good and feeling quite "normal", that I began to slack off a bit. Starting with not keeping up with my vitamins, not exercising, even giving up on my beloved healthy foods!! I pretty much broke my routine. Which of course as now caught up to me. My symptoms have returned in the form of weakness, constant tiredness (despite the hours upon hours of sleep I now get), headaches, and body aches. Thankfully, I haven't had any major inflammation in my joints, lost of appetite, or weight! Thank God! The memory fog tends to still sneak up on me sometimes... But I do my best to focus and leave myself any reminders I might need along the way.
The Emotional Toll:
In the initial time of my illness I was with someone whom I thought would be by my side thru and thru. Unfortunately, along side my drawn out search for some kind of recovery, my messy and hurtful my break-up (& thus a divorce) left me more battled-ridden than I could have ever thought it would be. I was heartbroken and fell into what I call a silent depression for the last 3 years. Though I have an amazing team of supporters, loved ones and friends... I still felt abandoned by someone I trusted with all the keys to my very private life. I have kept high walls around my heart and as far away from that kind of hurt as possible. I have been viewing any relationship with any potential interest- in all the wrong ways. Sadly, I just found this out. Enter into my newest battle field......
I recently met someone that quite seriously interrogated me, before deciding he wanted to show his honest interest in me. Over these past weeks and months we've gotten to know each other in a way that I haven't experienced in a very long time. Patience in the most profound manner, thoughtfulness, and constant humor (because laughing is one of life's natural healing medicines). I've shared with him my present condition and a little bit of my background. Enough information so that he is aware of it. However, in the last two days I realized that I have been allowing Lupus to be exactly what I just mentioned...."my present condition", so that anyone new in my life would only be "aware" of it.
Back To A Love Filled Reality:
That my battles were no longer mine alone to fight! If only I would allow him, he'd be right beside me holding me up and fighting to win against Lupus every step of the way! How foolish I have been to think no one would take me as I am!!!!! Lupus is not all of me, but it has taken total control of my personal space! There's plenty more to me and I hadn't realized what happened within! I have spent so mush time focused on gaining control over this unpredictable "disorder", that it has taken over my emotional state. I know I have hard and high walls up to protect little ol' me, but after a very intense and sobbing- filled discussion about the lupus side of me, I saw that I made it so personal because of all the hurt at the very beginning of this 6 year journey; I learned that just because one person was too weak to deal with a difficult curve ball that came our way, it didn't mean that I died... Or that I would have to live and die alone simply because I have lupus. Whether physically or emotionally. It just meant that God had a different plan for my way of living in comparison to most. I have used my experiences as an educational outlet. Attempting to figure out all the changes my body, mind, and (apparently) my soul has gone thru over time.
This Is Who I Am:
I am a survivor since the very moment I was born, I have always fought to survive and I will always continue to do so. Nothing will ever be stronger than my Faith in God. That and the loving hands and hearts that hold me up in prayer everyday whether I know it or not. I do know that God answers prayers. The plans He has for me are still so great and grand for me to always understand. I continue to stay open about life and for God to fill me with the intricate details He gives me to search out and learn. I am in awe of the fine print having Lupus has brought to my eyes, as I learn so much more about myself and about life around me. It makes me feel like I am living life on a whole new level. Because this chapter ends with me still Winning against Lupus.
You finally did it..well done.