It is a glorious summer's day and I am on lunch sitting on the roof-top of my company's building, soaking in that bright hot sun under a breezy shaded area. Grateful for the warmth that envelopes me, I think of how much has taken place over this past year. This time last summer, I was still limping painfully around shortly after my hip replacement surgery, trying to get back into balance with the chaotic New York City environment. Still trying to get my erratic Lupus symptoms under some kind of control, having made some goals, and working hard to reach them; post-surgery body maintenance proved to be difficult, sometimes discouraging, needless to say painful, but ever strengthening as well! Allow me to take the time to say that til this day, I still owe so much of my progress to those Nurses, Doctors, Friends & Family that have supported me thru-out my journey and have continued to challenge me, encourage me, and stand by my side in times of weakness. Thank You Loved Ones!!
Today, I am off all pain medication and only take Aleve if pain ever gets to much to handle without it. My med list consist only of Plaquenil, Calcium /Vitamin D3, Iron, B-12, Biotin. The rest of any vitamins or nutrients, I obtained them naturally, for example: fiber and protein enriched foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables. I try to stay away from foods that are triggers to Lupus patients like myself; such as shady vegetables, overly acidic foods, red meats (moderately), wheat, and soy. Since I have begun maintaing a healthier food intake, I have noticed a considerable change in my body. When I slack off and eat those unhealthy fatty and greasy foods, my body tells me almost immediately to get back on track. Whether by stomach aches, sluggish overall moods, or even nausea over some things, my body knows what will make it feel better!!! My daily activities are as "normal" as anyone else's! I do not have so much trouble getting up in the morning anymore. As long as I have had the appropriate rest the night before, I can get up with no acheness or stiffness; mentally my mind is clear and sound, ready for a new day!!! I am energetic, my speed and pace in walking have surpassed my own expectations! I am even running a full speeds!!! Though it's not recommended for me to start running as a hobby or sport, the fact that I can sprint across half a football field... screams great physical accomplishment for me!! My precious Shetland Sheepdog is as grateful as I am, now that I can run and play with her so openly!

Fine Print:
Though it may sound as if I have been cured of my Lupus, let me assure you that though one day I would love to report this possible great news, I am not there yet. There are exceptions and I still have bad days as anyone would. What I mean is this:
1. Where I once used to loved the rain and played in it and all, nowadays, not so much. Rain, humid weather, and the moisture pressure in the air before it actually does rain, affects me to the bones. I become very achy, extra tired and at times stiff. Tension often builds up in my muscles and often I don't feel relief of it until it rains and the weather lightens up. I do have my home remedies to ease the discomfort. Hot showers, keeping warm if it's chilly out or keeping cool (comfortably) when it's warm out. These are usually the times I take up on some extra rest and catching up with Netflix movies!
2. Another symptom I still am plagued by is brittle hair and hair loss. I have managed to get some control over the hair loss by taking the vitamin Biotin, which promotes healthy hair growth as well as buying topical products that encourage hair growth. I stayed away from anything that might dry it up and try to keep my curls as natural as possible when styling it. However it does tend to get expensive at times and it can be frustrating not finding specifics products nearby.
3. And then there is one of the most dehiliblating symptom for me yet, it is known as "Lupus Fog". It's the memory loss that occurs from time to time. It's been a humbling and at times embarassing experience when friends recall conversations, and I respond back with a blank stare, not remembering what they are talking about. Being reminded that I don't have the sharpest memory is often saddening to me... There's times that I can remember every little detail about a memory of long ago, but can't remember the person's name standing right in front of me. I've only just begun to tell people of my hidden symptom as it as begun to show more often than not.
Overall, depsite the difficulties I continue to manage with, I feel better than I have in many years! My spirits stay positive and I keep my body motivated as much as possible and within reason. I have my great days and I have my bad days. I'm at a point with my illness where I'm not so much the odd ball anymore. I go about my day to day simply maintaining my health like anyone else would. Lupus is a very loud part of who I am, as a woman who hasn't reached 30 years old just yet, but has the medical history of a lifetime. I am not so shy to share my story and I've come to the conclusion that it's best to let people know.. it's how we learn and educate one another. Life is still a learning and growing process and the only thing that I can do is make the best of anything that comes my way!