Hey there folks! Celebrate with me today as it is the one year anniversary of my total hip replacement! How am I doing??? I'm doing fantastic!!! My pain is at an all time minimal. So much so I am off all pain meds. I've met and am still meeting all the goals I set for myself at the start of this ever painful journey. My Lupus is still active although my bouts of inflammation have almost diminished. I've discovered other symptoms and side effects. Such as nose sores, a cystic break-out on my skin, and hair loss. Getting to know my unpredictable body behavior has become key to maintaining some kind of control over my symptoms. I keep close communication with doctors accordingly and do not hesitate on treatments. Of course I research all options when it comes to treatments however, both medically and naturally.

My check ups at the rheumatalogist and cardiologist, amongst
other specialists, have been baring better and better results. My heart is well adjusted and there are no signs of any concerns. No fluid build-ups, no pulmonary hypertension (which was of great concern at one point in time). I keep a tight regime of particular care for myself, which includes: maintenance medication (Plaquenil),vitamins, consisting of Iron, Calcium w/vit D3, B-12, Biotin (a b complex vitamin for hair, & skin), specific hair products from thickening and growth, healthy foods, staying active and plenty of rest! Always keeping faith and patience as my companions and having a great support system has also contributed to my successful recovery.

I no longer walk with a limp, a cane, or a walker! In fact I am back in my heels!!! It was one of my goals and I got there. I find that with continual stretching and exercise, I've become more flexible than I have been in many, many years. I am able to sit Indian style (my legs crossed over each other), & I am able to bend my legs at greater angles. I add new little things that I have not been able to do in so many years, that it leaves me humbled and grateful to have the chance of being a living testament of the impossible made possible thru medical advances and my faith in God. Be inspired to live a life where no matter the obstacles laid before.... there is always a way to conquer!